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Chapter 6


​I Am A Writer


Ten Days in Rwanda


​Ten Days in Rwanda is a journal of Mamie’s life-changing trip to Rwanda in April 2019 with SURF Survivors Fund​ and the Reaching Rwanda​ programme. You will also be helping vulnerable people in Rwanda. Proceeds will be shared with SURF/Reaching Rwanda and every penny will go directly to helping people who need it. Available on Amazon in print and Kindle versions


A Lucky Chap


​A Lucky Chap is Mamie’s first published life story which belongs to Dr Hugh Williams, a retired Edinburgh GP, who by his own admission, has led a lucky life.  A highly entertaining read, ‘A Lucky Chap, Stories of My Life’ documents the stories that Hugh would often tell his family and friends.  Hugh gives a fascinating insight into being a doctor, his family life, travels around the globe and, not forgetting, his role as a High Constable to the Queen.


Young People at the Heart of Education


Young People at the Heart of Education is Mamie’s first published book.  Mamie writes about the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence and the benefits of putting young people back at the heart of education.​


Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version.


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